Wheaten Island's Tricky-litter
Pose photos of the puppies 8 weeks
Puppy diary
25 March: 4 males and 2 females were born 8 April: The puppies were named Wheaten Island's Tricky Armstrong, Otis, Antero, Lester, Ella and Alice 9 April: Yesterday the pups became 2 weeks old. Eyes start to show and some of them are starting to use their legs, walking when hungry. 15 April: Three weeks today. Just started to hear and see a little. Still they are mostly sleeping.They have also started to play a little. 23 April: We have had our first proper meal today. 24 April: We have been in the garden for the first time. 25 April: One month today 27 April: We had a lovely day in the garden. 12 May: We are 7 weeks tomorrow. 19 May: We have been to the vet today for an inspection. ALL went well and we are now ready to move to our new families. |
A journey through our first 8 weeks of life |
CH Ballyhara's Trick Or Treat | CH Goforit Danny De Vito | Rist's Eireann Wheaten Iomhar |
Gladövik's Falbala | ||
Ballyhara's Jewel Of Tara | Feanaro Kilbarry Cagar Gaoith | |
CH Ballyhara's Bluebell | ||
CH Grebnello Suzy | CH Honeylee's Lord Of My Heart | Never Lasting's Forever More |
Wheaten Rebel's Wait'N'See | ||
CH Wheatstone Nadine | CH Grebnello Be Gorgeous | |
CH Wheatstone Iolanda |
25 March
Suzy födde 4 hanvalpar och 2 tikar. Alla mår bra och Suzy tar hand om dem som en riktigt bra mamma. Pappa: CH Ballyhara's Trick Or Treat Suzy gave birth to 4 males and 2 females. All are doing well. Suzy is taking care of them as a good mother should Father: CH Ballyhara's Trick Or Treat ![]() 4 March
Nu kan vi höra de första ljuden från valparna. Några kan vara svåra att höra exakt då de verkar ligga högt upp i livmoderhornen. Now we start to hear the first sounds from the pups. It is a little tricky to hear some of them. They seem to be placed further up in the uterus. ![]() 27 February
Nu har vi gjort ultraljud och fått det bekräftat att Suzy är dräktig. Beräknad nedkomst kring den 28 mars. Today we did ultrasound on Suzy and got her pregnancy confirmed. Date of birth will be around March 28. ![]() 16 February
Storebror Spencer tar väl hand om sin lillasyster. Pussar, tvättar och följer efter för att kontrollera henne. Han får bli gudfar till valparna. Ultraljud om 10 dagar, så spännande. Big brother Spencer taking such good care of his little sister. Kissing, washing and following her wherever she goes. He will be godfather. So exciting with ultrasound in 10 days. 20 January
Suzy åkte till Finland vecka 4 och vi har fått förmånen att använda Ballyhara's Trick Or Treat, Topi. Valparna blir leveransklara i mitten av maj. För mer info kontakta oss gärna på tel 0705-36 53 32 eller E-post: [email protected] Suzy has been mated in January and we are so pleased that we were able to mate her to Ballyhara's Trick Or Treat, Topi, who lives in Finland. Hopefully the puppies will be able to go to new homes at the middle of May. For further info, please contact us on +46-705-36 53 32 or E-mail: [email protected] |